Saturday, December 12, 2009

Our Lady of Guadalupe-Dec. 12 2009

She was brown skinned & perfect
Like the woman who walked a while
beside me when we marched
for our lives on Washington in 2004
saving babies, Protecting the Unborn.

She was brown skinned & direct
Mexican- American, like my student
who needed her GED so that she
could become a Marine and help
preserve our freedom, Patroness of the Americas.

She was brown skinned & glorious
Like the woman I love who sings
when she sees me first thing in the
morning before she makes impact
getting grants of hope, Empowering the Downtrodden

I dreamed her once:

She was brown skinned, an astronaut
(Mae Jamison in a blue bath-robe?)
Standing on the moon with an American flag,
a crown of stars and all this Celestial beauty
bringing awe and peace, Apocalypse Figther.

scent of rose
ice rosary
a blush of innocence
tears from joy
fierce grace

I thought she was my Granny
come all the way from Glory
with memory gifts
and secret recipes
I thought was lost.

She was brown skinned & wise
like the woman who sits across from me
as we chew over well done truth
as I learn how to be good
and to be all right at the same time.

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