Monday, November 30, 2009

Observing Advent

For people who don't know Advent is the season of anticipation and quiet hope that proceeds Christmas. For all of you who don't 'do' Christmas this is still a powerful time to invite the same sense of quiet hope that you feel because something good is about to happen.

I wanted to focus on Advent this year for a few reasons. Firstly, I lean towards sarcasm, which can foster some cynicism. I want to feel fresh and new, now. I want to gasp at sparkles every time I see them. I want to feel awesome because I feel awe. Secondly, I want to welcome A Miracle. I want to prepare myself physically, mentally and emotionally for Miracles in the upcoming year. I want to see the miracles and get close to them. This year I will follow a star and prepare gifts. I want to shift my lenses. I want to buy some rose colored glasses and view the world through them.

This is my challenge. Join in and be amazed....


  1. i like sparkles....and am reminded of Miracles everyday...I Believe in them...You... :)....i can't wait to watch with you!!!

  2. Oh come oh come Emmanuel
    And ransom captive Isreal,
    That mourns in lonely exile here
    Until the Son of God appear.
    Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
    Shall come to you, O Isreal.

    I used to love this song when I was a Catholic girl. I never knew who Emmanuel was or really anything about Isreal...but I did know of longing and lonely and waiting and being in darkness believing in light. I'd love the magesty in the slow dirge of this song... I guess I still do.

    I can't figure out how to sign in as Jean...oh well. The world wide web is mysterious indeed.

  3. Your very touch liberates me!
    Eric Jerome Dickey (The Other Woman)

    This is one of the lines in the book that struck me deeply. As I yearned to have someone else touch my life and feel liberated by it. The idea so profound. Over the last year I find that whats even more profound is appreciating my own touch and gifts. Witnessing the miricles of self and appreciating those rays of sparkle. And also relalizing that I have the power to liberate in touch sight and hearing. Go forth and Liberate in Advent!
