Saturday, December 12, 2009

Our Lady of Guadalupe-Dec. 12 2009

She was brown skinned & perfect
Like the woman who walked a while
beside me when we marched
for our lives on Washington in 2004
saving babies, Protecting the Unborn.

She was brown skinned & direct
Mexican- American, like my student
who needed her GED so that she
could become a Marine and help
preserve our freedom, Patroness of the Americas.

She was brown skinned & glorious
Like the woman I love who sings
when she sees me first thing in the
morning before she makes impact
getting grants of hope, Empowering the Downtrodden

I dreamed her once:

She was brown skinned, an astronaut
(Mae Jamison in a blue bath-robe?)
Standing on the moon with an American flag,
a crown of stars and all this Celestial beauty
bringing awe and peace, Apocalypse Figther.

scent of rose
ice rosary
a blush of innocence
tears from joy
fierce grace

I thought she was my Granny
come all the way from Glory
with memory gifts
and secret recipes
I thought was lost.

She was brown skinned & wise
like the woman who sits across from me
as we chew over well done truth
as I learn how to be good
and to be all right at the same time.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Blue Moon

This is a once in a Blue Moon moment.

This month there will be two full moons....

Any time there are two full moons in a month the second one is known as a full moon)

Tonight is the first of the full moons we will have in the month of December. The second full moon, the one that is actually called the Blue Moon will be on New Year's Eve.

Mmmm hmmm.....Now that is going to be some kind of something.

But until then.

Take a peek at the moon tonight.

Take a picture of it. Draw a picture of it. Make a wish upon it. Sing to it or of it. (Blue Moon....)

Sit a little glass of water or wine outside for a few minutes and let is soak up the beams of this Full Moon. Drink it down. Of course I will probably use moon shine to collect the magical rays. A little shot will do me.

While drinking you can...

Celebrate yourself and all of your hard work.

Set some intentions for the coming month.

Just appreciate it all.


I will be praying while sipping :

Creator of the Universe, Artist of Beautiful Creation
Thank you for the signs and symbols that guide me
on my dazzling and sometimes crooked path. And excuse me
as I kiss the sky, taking my eyes for a while
off of pure purpose.
Bless my hedonistic heart
As I feast on Your good old undeniable Goodness
and stare without shame at your Glory.